Back in 2003 Chopper Chet, Jake, and Big Chris took a ride out to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to check out the 100th party. They spent one day in Columbus, Ohio with Jake's old buddy, then rolled into Milwaukee.
Using the traveller method of adventure, they had no lodging plans at all.
After playing pool in a comfortable, local dive, they ran into some local dudes. They offered for our crew to sleep in the back yard in tents. A fair and generous offer for sure, especially when the entire town is overrun with tourists and trailers.
The dudes got even cooler when the offer was upgraded to inside the house.
They spent a few days seeing the city, HD factory and the concerts. Rolling with the shovelhead underground, they avoided all traffic, tourist bullshit and went to the right bars.
That is the best part about travelling with your bike, you meet the nicest people.
They rode home, wrecked a couple bars on the way.
The last day was pure misery as it rained hard all the way through from Pennsylvania. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

The Juneau Avenue factory

Some very old models. I remember reading that year about two guys that rode bikes like this to the event. Ride 'em, don't hide 'em.

One of the underground's bikes. ACME

Both crews.

Making friends and influencing people on the ride home.

The last day, smoke it up. You're gonna need it.

Worn out and back in Mudville at Silk City Cafe.

Trip Complete!