Finished moving into the new place on Friday. You never really know how many T shirts you have until you move. I shitcanned a large number of them. It was a difficult process. Each shirt is a postcard from a time or place in your past. I even threw away my first ever Harley shirt. It was given to me by a co-worker back in 92. We were both looking for a bike at the same time. I was researching the lexicon of Milwaukee and had decided I could afford a 70's FLH. He quickly bought a Sportster 1200, messed around with it for a while, got bored and sold it. He gave me a shirt that the dealer gave him. An evo engine on front and back with lightning all over. I kept it in my dresser until that day in March of 1993 when I bought my shovelhead.
Other rags reminded me of past girlfriends, almost forgotten road trips and even dead people. Throwing away memories.
After I lugged the last garbage bag full of my worldly possesions into my new flop, I headed down to the clubhouse for Murdercycles steak night. We had a nice crowd, considering it was raining.

Saturday was set up for the Ty Rods Swap Meet at Stafford Speedway and today was the 6am wakeup call to go sell some junk. Thin crowd, but a warm, sunny day.

Funniest momemt of the day was when we were leaving. Trying to snake the dually through the half empty rows, I ran over a metal beer cooler.
"Fuck, Guy! You ran ovah my coolah!" said the victim in his Rhode Island/Fall River accent. "Gimme twenty dollahs."
I said,"I'll give you twenty, but you gotta give us two dented beers."
"No way, twenty five", said Mr. Fall River.
Chet and I got out of the truck and the terms of our twenty dollar deal were quickly accepted.
I can't wait to ride my bike tomorrow, 3 days away from it and I need it like I need sleep..