Friday, May 8, 2009
Paint By Molly
Molly became well known early in his career in Southern California under the name of Paint by Molly, taking his hobby of painting motorcycles and racecars during his high school and college years and opening Paint by Molly in 1965. Painting motorcycles for many Southern California motorcycle dealers attracted Kawasaki and later Yamaha to his studio, looking for graphics that would appeal to the taste of the U.S. buyers. Working both in Japan and California, Molly was responsible for the well-known "Kawasaki Green" and the popular "Yamaha Yellow" with the black and white strobe stripe made famous by world champion motorcycle racers Kenny Roberts and Eddie Lawson. More recently, Molly created the new Yamaha cobalt blue color scheme that has become an overnight success worldwide. Molly still works with Yamaha on special design projects, prototypes, and racing team graphics and paint.
Toyota used Molly's talents originally to help create awareness for their mini trucks with the custom "Yamahauler", which won trophies in almost every show it was entered in. Molly created the yellow, orange, and red color scheme that was used by Toyota for over twenty years. During this period Molly worked with Toyota in many creative areas, designing everything from logos to clothing lines, and racecar graphics to show cars, with many of his ideas finding their way into production. Currently Molly continues to work with many departments within Toyota in a much broader capacity, with one of the more visible current projects being to develop a graphic system for the race trucks, drivers' and crew uniforms and transporters for Toyota's entry into NASCAR truck racing.
Molly Homepage
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