Follow the adventures of a WWI British RAF pilot as he rides his Henderson 4 cylinder motorcycle across America in 1919. Laugh at his British point of view. Wince at his numerous crashes. Hate as the cops jack him up for money. Feel the joy of witnessing the beauty of our country from the saddle of his bike. Feel the rage as the Henderson company won't honor his warrantee claims for his many rebuilds along the way.
Today I read an online book. It is a book digitized. You read the actual pages and turn the page by clicking the mouse. Like going to the library without the late fees.
The book is "Across America by Motor-Cycle" written by C K Shepherd.
The author looks for a way to get his head right after 4 years of service in the RAF during World War One. He decides to go to America and ride across on a bike. His British view of Americans is pretty entertaining. His adventures and hardships in following the way West makes us all look like spoiled babies. The road system in this country sucked in 1919, with no paved roads at all between Kansas City and Los Angeles. All I can say is he should have rode a Harley or an Indian, he got it up the ass from Henderson.
The book was a quick read with maybe too many descriptions of trees and road surfaces, but he even says he is not a literary genius.
The best part is how his bike, Lizzie, starts off as a machine but ends up as a beloved travelling companion.
If you like long distance touring, read and see how the original Iron Butt riders did it.
Click on this link and you have several different ways to read the book. I chose the flip book method.
1 day ago
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