Thursday, August 29, 2013

CT Rockers Reunion has new venue

                      New location, The Third Rail, 1 Wall Street, Cromwell, CT. This Sunday

Throwdown Art

Jeff  "Chief" Stockton sent over this hilarious view of the Throwdown. Thanks a lot. Somewhat accurate.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

giuseppie's depot

Kawasaki illustrated ad giuseppie's depot
 Cycle World February 1989

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Brit Jam Week

Did a lot of riding this week. I had a great time and also got to bring Max along for some of it.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Cycle Guide art

Those small drawings magazines always have in the editorial columns.
Cycle Guide 1985 and 1987

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kawasaki at Marcus Dairy

In my formative years, before the internet, I would read all the magazines I could. One series of ads that really burned into my brain was these Kawasaki paintings. Such cool and exciting places that you could go with your motorcycle. Places I never heard of. Even though Marcus Dairy was only 70 miles away, nobody I knew had ever been there or could explain the deal.
Eventually I went there and it was just as this ad promised.

I have searched for three years for this image, and the image of the guy at Ascot Speedway. I scored some free mags today at the Brit Jam and kapow! There it was. This and finding a tinted visor for Taylor's Bell Star for free made a great day.

Yamaha 1989

Over the years I have owned at least one of all three. I still have an FJ in Germany. All great bikes for different needs. The 600's are cheap and fast, 1000 really fast and pretty and the FJ, although heavy, hauled my ass across Europe and did 150 on the autobahn (with a pipe and jetting).
Cycle World February 1989


I love a good cat fight.
Cycle Guide, January 1987